Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dream Travel Abroad

I love to travel, I really do. I dreamed of travelling to famous places, landmarks, astonishing beaches and landscapes around the Philippines and the world (why?I'm just dreamin'... :p ). 

Yes, you read it right...Around the world. 
and No...I still haven't applied for a passport... not yet... I prefer to buy some more time, since I'm not yet done with my local dream.

My friends invited me to join them on their travel to Singapore, Malaysia, Hongkong, or Macau on some occassions but I always begged off. I am not more of a "Disneyland" and "Universal Studios" person nor a fan of skyscrapers and boutiques. But that doesn't mean I don't want to go to these places...Of course I would love to go to there, it's just that I have other interesting places on my mind... Places that is soooo ME...

If and when (crossfingers) I finally decided to apply for a passport -this will only happen if  first, I already have a budget for my dream travel abroad, 2nd if I'm already satisfied with my local dream travels- 
I would love to spend my first international travel on one of my dream places in the world. 

I would have wanted it to be in Barbados Island
                                                  (picture from tripadvisor.com)

or Seychelles

                                              (picture from thebestbeaches.org)

or  Maldives 
                                          (picture from pictures4travel)

and Brazil
                                          (picture from picsfrom.com)

But it was like shooting the moon. With my present financial condition and other responsibilities, getting to these places means suicide. So I'm settling myself to a more realistic and attainable "First Dream Travel Abroad". (crossfingers)

Being a beach lover, I would like my "First Dream Travel Abroad" to Phuket, Thailand or other Islands in Asia. 

or Kotakinabalu

and of course, The Republic of Palau. I instantly fell inlove with the place when I first see it on television as the venue of a certain reality tv show.

Dreams do come true...I just wish mine will be a reality in the near future :))

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